
What are the home toilet requirements?

 As one of the most essential fixtures in any home, toilets are a must-have for any modern household. But what exactly are the requirements for a home toilet?  From size and shape to flushing power and water efficiency, there are several factors to consider when choosing a toilet for your home. In this blog post, we'll explore the key requirements for a home toilet and help you navigate the process of choosing the right one for your needs. Size and Shape One of the first things to consider when selecting a toilet for your home is the size and shape of the fixture. Toilets come in a range of sizes, from compact models designed for smaller bathrooms to elongated styles that offer more comfort and space. The shape of the bowl is also an important factor, with round and elongated options available. Round bowls tend to be more compact and are a good choice for smaller spaces, while elongated bowls offer more comfort and are a popular choice for larger bathrooms. Flushing Power Another i